f/4 iso3200  a15 This photo is to demonstrate the thought being planted and the film maker getting involved. Digital Film Making being depicted  as online make the course even seem more inviting.
Same camera settings to show the activity in the pursuit of becoming a Digital Film Maker. Tech kit arrival and free access to using the newest and best equipment provides an electricity to the goal pursuit.
Our musical giant appears deep in to his work as the quality of  camera performance increases with-in the film student. f/22  iso 3200. a 60
A chair fit for a horn playing giant when resting is allowed. Shot in f/22. iso 3200. a 60 
f/4 iso800 a60.   Shallow field of depth demonstrated as the process and techniques learned during the corse studies effect the quality of the film making student works
Another example of depth of field work adding to the artist tool kit to develop visually appealing films. The action of the bird feeding her young has an effect that stimulates joy and calm. 
In this one the emotion is clear and present to the desire of the art work to pierce your living flesh. His stare provides no cover from the feeling of  present danger, but rather enhances it. f/22 iso3200 a60
The west comes alive in this photo I use f/22 iso800 a60 to make sure I captured the long horn on that bull as the leading edge of the intense motion of the horses.  
In the process of becoming a film maker you start to notice the beauty you can capture within the lens. This piece is a small portion of desert land were I used a frame rate of 22 a ISO at 800 a60. The desert floor almost seems to begin to take flight. 
A student at work learning the tools of his career on the road to becoming a film maker. 1st lesson images is everything!

This project was to depict the becoming a digital film maker process. Going a reputable school to receive the training needed then show growth by technique advancement.
Be A Film Maker

Be A Film Maker
